Quality at its Finest

The beginning
The journey with Arabian horses began back in 2014, it was then that the Skyroo Arabians Stud was founded and consisted of a stallion: Johrhemar Natih Ibn-Shakkarr (Shakkarr x Johrhemar Nawal) and four mares: Johrhemar Jeddah Bey (Bey EL Jamaal x Johrhemar Marmara); Johrhemar Verona Bey (Bey EL Jamaal x Johrhemar Atbara); Johrhemar Lili Marwteyn (ZT Marwteyn x Johrhemar Galena Bey); and Johrhemar Karbara (Johremar EL Gazell x Gazella Bint Masri). All of the above mentioned horses were sourced from the Johrhemar Stud in South Africa, line breeding was the objective here as all horses traced back to similar ancestors (Ali Jamaal; EL Shaklan; Bey Shah; Masri; Morafic; and Darius).
The Johrhemar Stud had been line breeding these horses for over 40 years and, therefore, bred a definite ‘type’. This was clearly seen in all of their horses and I would say their breeding programme was a huge success. Since then the Johrhemar Stud closed their doors and stopped breeding, the last step taken by the Johrhemar Stud was an outcross to ZT Marwteyn (Marwan al Shaqab x ZT Ludjteyna by Ludjin EL Jamaal). The result of this was a single filly, Lili, that we acquired and added to our foundation stock. The success of the outcross motivated us to do the same but with different blood, we did so and are very happy with the outcome.
After starting a small breeding programme and breeding a few foals each year there was an urge to go overseas. Spending a fair amount of time travelling around and working in Europe as well as the Middle East it was time to innovate our breeding programme back home and take it to the next level. We decided to invest in Straight Egyptian Arabians, two mares and a colt, all descending from top Egyptian bloodstock known to produce the best. In doing so we found the need to reach out and assist other breeders with their horses and breeding programmes. Through the entity, Skyroo Arabians Centre, we hope to create a foundation allowing others to be part of the bigger picture and to assist all in breeding and selling ‘Quality at its Finest’.
There’s always something new to learn and someone new to meet in the Arabian horse industry, being involved in this world is a dream come true.